The late old man Joseph acknowledged: “My entire life has been a continuous martyrdom, and most of all I suffered from the people, who I wanted to save, but they did not listen to me. And I cried and prayed, and they mocked and they managed temptation.”
The old man himself wrote his sister about this: “Do you know how it is when you do not tempt — and they tempt you? You do not steal — and, in you, they do steal? You bless — and you they curse? You have pity — and you they offend? You praise — and you they condemn? When they do come to hear your revelations, they constantly shout and entice you to shout to the end of the life. Nevertheless, you know that this is not so, as they speak. Moreover, you see the temptation, which moves by them. Moreover, you repent and you cry, as you feel guilty. This — the heaviest. Since they war with you and they, and you war itself with itself in order to convince yourself that so there is, as people speak, although this is not so. When you see that you are absolutely right yet convince yourself that you are wrong. This, sister, is my art from art and science from the sciences. You beat itself by a stick, until you convince itself to call light the dark and the dark the light. So that any right would leave. Therefore, that finally would disappear to rise, so that you become reckless and do not reason in order to see all, when no one sees you at all. Since the one who will become spiritual, all reveals, not revealed by anyone It sees everything. It has eyes, but it sees no one.”
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Поэзия : Последнее время - Ионий Гедеревич Откр.12:12. …Горе живущим на земле и на море, потому что к вам сошел диавол в сильной ярости, зная, что не много ему остается времени!
Откр.20:2. Он взял дракона, змия древнего, который есть диавол и сатана, и сковал его на 1000 лет.
(6) Блажен и свят имеющий участие в воскресении первом: над ними смерть вторая не имеет власти, но они будут священниками Бога и Христа и будут царствовать с Ним 1000 лет.
Откр. 20:10. А диавол, прельщавший их, ввержен в озеро огненное и серное, где зверь и лжепророк, и будут мучиться день и ночь во веки веков.
(13) …И судим был каждый по делам своим.
Мат.24:44. Потому и вы будьте готовы, ибо, в который час не думаете, придет Сын Человеческий.
Поэзия : Распятия на выях - Vladimir (PVL) Сегодня как никода, в расцвете мода на кресты и распятья, деревянные, пластиковые, медные,стальные, кто по богаче серебрянные, золотые..., от микроскопических до размеров строительной кирки..., а результат???